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September 01, 2008



Exactly. Exactly.
You have to love that Ginger. :-)


Are you going to help put together the "Sermons of Ginger: Getting to the Root"?

Questing Parson

Now there's a thought, Dennis. And if I use that title I'll certainly credit you.

beach walkin

So is this lovely young woman going to help you write a book??? I think that you both have more than enough wisdom to share!


I'm not at all looking for any credit. So, please don't give it a thought - I really don't want any credit for putting something that basic together (Ginger & root). I just love your posts in regard to her, and I think your posts might make a good book - for whatever age group it is intended.

If you do put a book together, please be sure to let us all know!!!


I love that hymn, but then again, I am old.


Point well made, but you know, I always just thought "In the Garden" was a corny old hymn until Milton Brasher-Cunningham wrote that the hymn's author had written that the "I" in the hymn is Mary Magdalene. That changed the way I thought about it.

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